Little Eaton Parish Council has a new website
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For a number of years this was the official website for the Little Eaton Parish Council. There have been a number of redesigns to the site over the years starting in 2008.
Content is from the site's 2016 - 2018 archived pages.
Enjoy a nostalgic trip back.....
If you have inadvertently ended up here while searching for the Little Eaton Parish Council, their current website is found at: where you will find the most up to date news.
Red phone box turned into Little Eaton village library
31 December 2011 /
A red telephone box which was bought for £1 has been turned into a village library in Derbyshire.
A red telephone box which was bought for £1 has been turned into a village library in Derbyshire.
The former public payphone, which was purchased by Little Eaton Parish Council, was converted into a book exchange after a suggestion by the village book club.
The box on Alfreton Road has been stocked through local donations.
Clare Howard, from the book club, said a library was the one facility the village lacked.
"We've got the butcher, a chemist, a doctor, pubs and shops but we didn't have a library," she said.
"The phone box was outside my house, looking a bit shabby and not doing much. Once we knew it was possible we said, 'let's go for it'."
People can go to the exchange take a book and swap it for one of their own or one they are returning.
The idea was inspired by other renovated telephone boxes, including a mini art gallery and tourist information centre.
Our website contains information and news about the Parish Council and about our village generally. The links above (some of which have extended ‘drop down’ menus) take you to a range of information about the Council, what’s happening in our village, local facilities and other local information. If you have any comments about our website or suggestions for it’s further improvement we’d love to hear from you.
Little Eaton is located about three and a half miles north east of Derby on the old Alfreton to Derby road, off the A38 Abbey Hill roundabout. It lies within the County of Derbyshire and the Borough of Erewash.
Little Eaton Neighbourhood Plan
For up to date details of how the LENP is progressing, Agenda's, Future Meeting dates go to Little Eaton’s Neighbourhood Plan dedicated website at:
Why do we need a Neighbourhood Plan in Little Eaton?
To improve conditions for residents by preserving the best in the village and embracing developments that are sympathetic to the integrity of the community.
- A great place to live
- A great place to work
- A great place to visit
What is a Neighbourhood Plan?
Neighbourhood planning gives communities direct power to develop a shared vision for their neighbourhood and shape the development and growth of their local area.
They are able to contribute ideas on where they want new homes, shops and offices to be built, have their say on what they would like those new buildings to look like and what infrastructure should be provided, and it could be used as a basis for granting planning permission for the new buildings they want to see go ahead.
Neighbourhood planning provides a powerful set of tools for local people to ensure that they have a say in what they think are the right types of development for their community where the ambition of the neighbourhood is aligned with the strategic needs and priorities of the wider local area.
Parish Notice Board
Coming to the Art Box . . .
The Art Box is the red phone box at the southern end of Alfreton Road opposite Duffield Road.
News of forthcoming competitions and exhibitions will be posted here when available
An important member of the family, your family pet could feature in the ART BOX this spring. It could be a photo, sketch, painting or any representation we can fit into the ART BOX. You don’t have to be a great photographer or artist. It doesn’t matter how small or quiet your companion animal is from a gold fish to a pony and everything in between with a few lines about the animal or just its name will do.
This exhibition definitely needs your support. We cannot do this alone.
Little Eaton Gardening Club
Contact: Moira Hutchison, tel 01332 831966
The meetings are held in the Village Hall from 7.15pm to 9.15pm
The next meeting is on 20th April - A talk on the 'Gardens of the Isles of Scilly' by Stuart Dixon
Then there are 3 excursions in the summer:
14th May A Visit to Felley Priory, Underwood, Notts
18th June A Visit to Powis Castle, North Wales
23rd July A Visit to Ashwood Nursery and Gardens, Kingswinford, West Midlands
There is no meeting in August
The meetings then resume in the Village Hall
21st September - A 'Talk on Dahlias' by John Cole
19th October - A Collector's Dilemma' by Graham White, Woodleighton Grove
Club Secretary - Little Eaton FC
The club is looking for a person who is interested in taking on the role of 'Club Secretary' with immediate effect.
This is a voluntary position and the person appointed would join the Club Committee and be involved in all aspects of running the club.
For further information , please contact :
Peter Mulvey - Chairman
Tel : 01332 831350
E-mail :
Wednesday 16th November 2016
“Chistmas and Winter Garden”
by Paul Bostock
Meetings in the Village Hall - 7.15 – 9 p.m.
Visitors Welcome £3
Contact Moira Hutchison 01332 831966
Little Eaton Local History Society
“Alice in the Bacon Box” by John Easter
Monday 14th November at 7.30 p.m. in the OAP Hall
Admission – Members £1. Non Members £2
Those wishing to join the Society can do so
Membership £5 per year £2 for under 16s
For Further Information Contact
Bill Hutchison Tel 831966 or Allan Carter Tel 831309
The Little Choir with a BIG heart.
“Friends in Harmony “is the name of our choir based in Little Eaton just outside Derby. It has been going strong for around 30 years, and is now conducted by Barbara Lowe professional singer (ex Royal Opera Covent Garden) and singing teacher.
We always welcome new members. We practice in the church hall at Little Eaton on Tuesday evenings starting 7.15.p.m. We really live up to our name “Friends in Harmony” so come along and I think you might just have made 25 new friends. Contact Jane Harlow on 01332516683 for any further information.
Police and Safer Neighbourhood Teams
Little Eaton is covered by Derbyshire Constabulary’s Ilkeston Rural Safer Neighbourhood Team - based at The Police`Station, Heanor Road, Ilkeston.
PCSO Rob Stanesby 127866 is the main contact for local policing issues. Rob can be contacted by calling 101 or e-mailing:
Police and Crime Commissioner for Derbyshire
2016 Safer Neighbourhoods - Speedwatch - Police Surgeries - Meetings
Safer Neighbourhoods Panel Meeting - details of next meeting -
14 March 2016 at the OAP Hall, Barley Close, Little Eaton
Feedback from Last Session
Between 08.00 and 09.00 on Thursday 17th March 2016 four volunteers performed a Community Speedwatch on Morley Lane near the junction with The Hawthorns. 20 vehicles of 312 which passed during the hour were recorded travelling at more than 35mph – the fastest speed recorded was 43 mph.
2018 Community Speedwatch
Feedback from Last Session - 16 July 2018
Did you know in the 20 – 30mph range, a reduction of 6mph is reported to result in a 40% reduction in road noise
Between 17.00 – 18.00 on 16th July 2018 five volunteers performed a Community SpeedWatch (CSW) at the junction of Morley Lane with the B6179, Alfreton Road
Of 902 vehicles passing the location during the watch period 11% were speeding with 16 vehicles travelling between 35 mph – 41mph. This number is lower than previously recorded at this location and may be due to a problem on the A38 resulting in a much larger volume of traffic slowing the overall speed
The next CSW is arranged 08.00 – 09.00 on 8th August. Although the locations may be changed, the CSW dates for 2018-19 posted on the PC Web Page will be carried out weather and volunteer number permitting.
Although the locations may be changed, the CSW dates for 2018-19 posted on the PC Web Page (see opposite) will be carried out weather and volunteer number permitting.
News and Notices
A38 Improvements
Highways England (HE) will be carrying out essential maintenance work to maintain the existing safety barrier on the above section of the A38. The work to be carried out is the replacement of the safety barrier that is deemed to be at the end of the serviceable lives. A number of road signs within the central reserve will also be replaced as part of the works. These works will be undertaken overnight to minimise inconvenience and disruption. During the work there will be overnight closures of the northbound and southbound carriageway to ensure the safety of our workforce. Clearly signed diversion routes will be in place during this period. The work is planned to start on Monday 19th September 2016 at 8pm and finish on Saturday 11th February 2017 at 6am. The carriageways will be open as usual during the day and during the weekend. However, there will be a temporary 40mph speed restriction 24 hours a day in order to protect the traveling public due to missing sections of safety fence during construction.
Please note that all planned roadworks are subject to change due to weather conditions or unforeseen circumstances. HE will do their very best to complete the work as quickly as possible, keeping disturbances and noise to a minimum.
If you have any queries or concerns about this letter, then please call the Highway England Customer Contact Line 0300 123 5000 or
HE apologies for any inconvenience or disruption caused. You can get further information for the Midlands motorways and trunk roads by: Using the Highways England Website
This page will be progressively developed with news and information as it becomes available to the Parish Council
Red Light Camera Request - Feedback from Little Eaton Stakeholder Reference Group
Representatives from Little Eaton Parish Council raised the issue that the current traffic signals at the Little Eaton roundabout are not working well for traffic exiting the Little Eaton arm of the roundabout, and that the issue probably lies with cars not stopping at the red lights. A request was made to consider red light enforcement to possibly help resolve the issue. This has been followed up by Highways England (HE) and their maintenance team and the following response has been received.
“We appreciate that there has been some frustration over the access from Little Eaton village onto the A38 at the revised junction and have previously undertaken steps to try and address this within the signal control. This has involved use of queue detection on the approach to increase the all red time at the upstream signals and thereby create greater gaps for the B6179. Unfortunately during peak periods drivers do tend to push the amber period at the end of green, eroding any gaps created and this setup has had only limited benefit.In terms of red light enforcement there is no evidence of collisions here that would justify inclusion of a camera, as this is governed by statutory processes we cannot implement a camera without such evidence to justify the installation. In our experience the issues on the B6179 are during the same periods as issues on other approaches, most notably during the evening peak when both the A61 and the A38 northeastbound are under pressure; the latter typically having delays of 3-4 minutes and queues back to the A6. It is therefore very much a matter of trying to balance the various arms of the junction and we believe that at present this balance is fair.
It should be noted that the recent changes were interim measures to squeeze the best we can out of the space currently available and were never expected to fully resolve the congestion issues present. Subject to further evidence to the contrary or changes in conditions we are not therefore intending to make any further changes to the signal set up in advance of the major scheme. We will as always monitor the situation as best we can and consider intervention should there be any change”
Current Public Consultations
Erewash Borough Council has now published a draft version of the Developer Contributions (S.106) SPD for a period of 6 weeks, in order to allow residents, developers and other organisations and persons to have their say on this document.
The Draft Developer Contributions SPD identifies the infrastructure needs of the Borough and then assesses the viability of new housing development to meet those needs, and consequently provides guidance on which of these needs developments will be expected to contribute to.
Erewash Borough Council is beginning a six-week consultation on the above on Monday 12 September, concluding on Monday 24 October, and wishes to draw your attention to draft plans which present the Council’s vision for a redeveloped Stanton Regeneration Site.
Derby City Local Plan - Part 1 Core Strategy: Proposed Main Modifications Consultation
The independent Planning Inspector examining the Local Plan has now provided a list of proposed Main Modifications to the submitted Plan. There is now an opportunity to comment on these proposed Main Modifications before the Inspector issues his final report.
The proposed Main Modifications have arisen following the submission of the Local Plan, in December 2015 and the subsequent public hearings which were held in April and May 2016. At the hearings the Council formally requested that, in accordance with Section 20 (7C) of the 2004 Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act (as amended by Section 112 of the Localism Act 2011), the Inspector present modifications needed to ensure that the Core Strategy is ‘sound’.
Comments are invited on the proposed Main Modifications to Derby City Local Plan - Part 1 Core Strategy: Pre-Submission document dated August 2015. The proposed Main Modifications are those which the Inspector considers are necessary to make the plan sound and/or legally compliant. They are proposed without prejudice to the Inspector’s final conclusions on the Local Plan Part 1 which will take account of all representations submitted in response to this consultation. As a result of the proposed Main Modifications we are also asking for comments on an amendment to the Policies Map relating to Friar Gate Goods Yard. To accompany the proposed Main Modifications the Council has also updated its Sustainability Appraisal of the Plan.
Representations must consider whether the proposed Main Modifications satisfactorily address matters of soundness and/or legal compliance. All comments received relating to these proposed modifications will be passed to the Inspector for his consideration. Representations on other parts of the Local Plan will not be considered by the Inspector and this is not an opportunity to raise again matters relating to other parts of the submitted Plan that have already been considered by the Inspector during the examination. The Inspector will only consider representations from this consultation which relate to the proposed Main Modifications.
This consultation will run for six weeks; beginning on Wednesday 14 September 2016 and ending at 5:00pm on Thursday 27 October 2016.
All of the consultation material is available on-line at Printed copies of the documents are also available for inspection at the Council House and local libraries.
Comments can be submitted by using the recommended forms which are available from local libraries or from the Council’s website. Alternatively, you can complete an on-line form at
The Council has also published a schedule of Minor Modifications, including proposed changes to the Policies Map. These contain minor factual changes, updates, correction of errors or minor re-wordings and are not considered to affect the soundness of the plan. These are published alongside the Main Modifications for completeness but do not form part of the consultation.
If you would like to talk to us about the consultation or the Local Plan before sending in your representations, Planning Officers will be available at The Council House, Booth 11 every Wednesday during the consultation between 10:00am and 4:00pm.
Community Safety Alerts
This is a selection of items received from the Derbyshire Alert messaging service. To register direct for this free service visit, or contact your local Community Information officer on 101.
Consumer Alert Briefing
Rev Sale and Bob Sakayama both from TNG/Earthling, the search performance service spoke regarding issues within Google's search. In the EU, personal information may be removed from the search results by filing a removal request with Google. Not sure how this plays out after Brexit, but very likely additional regulation is coming based on sentiment.
Unauthorized Fundraising (posted 21.7.2016)
Although their intentions may have been good, the effort to raise money from the sale of vaporizer products has been disavowed by the Council due to negative reactions from the community leadership. The plan was to partner with an internet store who agreed to donate profits from the sale of 510 thread vape cartridges, 510 atomizers, 510 batteries and other accessories. These products promote the ingestion of flavored oils, including nicotine, thc, cbd, and other marijuana derived oils. All proceeds have been returned and the effort has been discontinued.
Phishing Email Scam (posted 13.9.2016)
There is a phishing email currently in circulation that claims to be from the City of London Police. The departments that it claims to represent include the ‘Fraud Intelligence Unit’ and the ‘National Fraud Intelligence Bureau’. The email is titled ‘compensation fund’ and has a letter attachment that claims to be offering financial compensation to victims of fraud. The letter uses the City of London Police logo.
The letter states that in order for compensation to be arranged, the receiver of the email should reply disclosing personal information. It states that HSBC and the South African Reserve Bank have been chosen to handle the compensation claims. All of these claims are false.
The email and letter are fraudulent and should not be replied to.
Protect Yourself
Opening attachments or clicking links contained within emails from unknown sources could result in your device being infected with malware or a virus.
The City of London Police and the National Fraud Intelligence Bureau will never email you asking for you to disclose personal information.
If you believe you have become a victim of this fraudulent email get your device checked by a professional and make a report to Action Fraud, the UK’s national fraud and cyber crime reporting centre:
Beware the Fake Letterbox Scam! - (message posted 28.6.2016)
The National Fraud Intelligence Bureau (NFIB) has noticed an increase in reports of fraudsters placing fake letter boxes on residential properties in an attempt to harvest the mail. Residents are sometimes unaware of the fake letterbox as the fraudsters will periodically remove the item, which may leave notable markings. The mail is then used to open various lines of credit with financial providers in the name of the innocent resident.
Protect Yourself:
- Be vigilant and check for any suspicious activity, tampering of your post/letterbox or for suspicious glue markings on the wall.
- Check all post received from financial institutions, even if it appears unsolicited.
- Consider reporting theft of mail to your local police force and any cases of identity fraud to Action Fraud.
- If you have been a victim of identity fraud consider Cifas Protection Registration (
If you, or anyone you know, has been affected by this fraud or any other scam, report it to Action Fraud by calling 0300 123 2040 or visiting
Scam Warning - "Your Package Has Been Seized" Royal Mail Scam Email (message posted 3.2.2016)
Fraudsters are sending out virus infected emails that claim a package has been seized by HM Revenue & Customs upon arrival into the United Kingdom. The official looking scam emails claiming to be from Royal Mail contain a link to a document which will install malicious software on your computer designed to steal credentials like account names, email addresses and passwords.
Council Tax Scam - Don’t be Caught Out!
Fraudsters have been phoning victims telling them that they have been placed in the wrong council tax bracket for a number of years and are entitled to a rebate. They normally say that this rebate should be worth about £7,000. Once the victim is convinced, the fraudster tells them that in order to receive the rebate they will need to pay an administration fee in advance. The payment they ask for varies between £60–£350. The victim provides the details and makes the payment, but then is no longer able to make contact with the person they spoke to on the phone. When they phone their council about the rebate and the fact that they are in the wrong tax bracket, the council will confirm that they know nothing about it and that they have been contacted by fraudsters.
Beware the latest Online Scams - how to check out websites and protect yourself
Fraudsters have created a high specification website template advertising flat screen televisions for sale which are below market value and do not exist. Payment is being requested via bank transfer and will offer no protection to the consumer when the television does not arrive.
Protect yourself:
Payments made via bank transfer are not protected should you not receive the item.
Always make payment via a credit card or PayPal where you have some avenue of recompense should you not receive your product.
Conduct some online research on the website, company name and business address to identify any poor feedback or irregularities.
Check the authenticity of websites before making any purchases. A ”whois” search on the website will identify when the website has been created, so be wary of newly formed domains. This search can be conducted using the following website
If the item advertised seems too good to be true, it probably is.
Computer Safety - Beware Scam Calls Claiming to be from Microsoft Security
Local officers are reminding residents to be computer vigilant following a recent suspicious call in the Smalley area.
A resident was called from a person claiming to work for Microsoft Security. After the caller was allowed remote access to the resident’s computer the resident became suspicious and stated no payments would be made until the resident checked the caller’s identity. The caller stated that the resident had an hour to decide but was to leave the computer on because of the danger to it. After advice the caller removed the internet connection and had the machine checked out professionally. Downloaded software had to be removed and the security setting had to be reactivated.
Fraudulent Apple Pay Warning
Fraudsters are targeting classified advertisement websites like AutoTrader to advertise vehicles for sale. Buyers are then contacting these ‘sellers’ to find out more about the vehicles and are being told to pay for them via ‘Apple Pay’. In this case the fraudsters are not using the genuine Apple Pay service and potential victims pay money directly to bank accounts in control of the fraudsters.